5 ways to celebrate the joy of Easter every day
By Dr. Randy Carlson
There’s no doubt about it – the Easter season is special. It’s a time to remember Christ’s sacrificial love and joyfully celebrate the freedom of broken chains!
There’s something beautiful that happens to our soul when we meditate on the gift that God gave us in His Son. What would our lives look like if we kept hold of that feeling all year long?
As we approach this season, I want to share five practical ways that we can intentionally celebrate the resurrection every day, throughout the year.
1. Remember the gospel daily
Many of us have heard the Easter story countless times. The Good News of Christ’s victory and our status as His children and heirs often falls on numb ears and hearts. This should never be the case! Let’s remind ourselves daily of the truths of the cross with a fresh mind and soul, as if we’d never heard it before. Meditate on the victory that was won there for us, the defeat of sin and shame, and the power of the Holy Spirit that’s now alive in us.
2. Die to self
The cross is the symbol of Jesus’ sacrifice for the world – the physical death and taking on of our iniquities past, present and future – that means eternal victory over sin and shame. If we live each day remembering the power of this sacrifice, we can live as we’re called to: crucifying our selfishness, our entitlement and our lack of love and sympathy, while putting off the old self at the foot of that wonderful cross.
3. Focus on the eternal
The Resurrection means that a way has been made for us. We’re promised eternal life with God because our debt has been paid with Jesus’ blood. Because we’re secure in our eternity, we need to remember to live each day holding fast to this truth. Don’t buy the lies that this world is trying to sell us. Reject the desire to clamor for accomplishments and possessions in this fleeting earthly life. Instead, fix our eyes on the treasure that is forever ours – eternal life with our Creator.
4. Celebrate and rejoice!
When we recall the wonder of the Resurrection, we’re called to rejoice! Our response to the complete end of our sin and shame should be to worship the Lamb who was slain in full voice and fervor. We can celebrate each day the Lord has given us by viewing it as a gift, knowing that our future is secure in Him because of His victory.
5. Share the Good News
After the risen Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene at the tomb, she immediately ran into town to tell the apostles what she’d seen. We’re called to spread the news of Christ’s redeeming love and sacrifice to all – making “disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28:19 ESV).
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