
Biblical Insights

7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit Explained with Examples   Biblical Insights

Have you ever wondered what the gifts of the Holy Spirit are and how they show up in your life? God equips us to grow in our faith, serve others, and live with purpose through these gifts. Let’s walk through each of these seven gifts together, look at what God has to say about them in His Word, and explore how they can make a real difference in your everyday life. 

1. The Gift of Wisdom 

Wisdom is all about seeing life from God’s perspective. His wisdom is available to help us navigate tricky situations and make choices that reflect His will for us. James 1:5 gives us this incredible promise: “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault” (NIV). That’s right—God wants us to ask for His wisdom! 

Think about Solomon, the son of King David and Bathsheba. (King Solomon’s story is found in 1 Kings 1–11, 2 Chronicles 1–9, and 2 Samuel.) When he became king, he could’ve asked God for anything—riches, power, you name it. But instead, he asked for wisdom to lead his people well. God gave it to him, and Solomon’s wisdom became legendary, like when he settled the dispute between two mothers over a child (1 Kings 3:5-12). 

The next time you’re faced with a tough decision, pause and ask the Holy Spirit for wisdom. You might be surprised at how He guides your thoughts and gives you peace about the next step. 

2. The Gift of Understanding 

Understanding goes deeper than knowledge. It’s the ability to grasp the truths of God’s Word and see how they apply to your life. After Jesus rose from the dead, He opened the disciples’ minds to understand Scripture (Luke 24:45). They had read the words before, but suddenly, everything clicked. 

Ask the Holy Spirit to open your eyes.  

Remember the story of Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch in Acts 8? The eunuch was reading the book of Isaiah but didn’t understand it. The Holy Spirit led Philip to explain how it pointed to Jesus, and everything suddenly made sense for him. 

Ask the Holy Spirit to open your eyes to the meaning of scripture. Whether you’re reading a familiar verse or something new, He loves to help you connect the dots and apply it to your life. 

Biblical Insights 

3. The Gift of Counsel 

Counsel, or right judgment, helps you make wise choices and also equips you to offer Spirit-led advice to others. Proverbs 15:22 says, “Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed” (NIV). The Holy Spirit is the ultimate adviser, guiding us to make decisions that honor God. 

The apostle Paul is a great example of someone who used this gift. Through his letters, he gave practical and spiritual advice to the early churches, helping them stay on track in their faith.   

When you’re unsure about a decision, invite the Holy Spirit into the process. He might guide you directly, or He might bring wise people into your life to help you see the way forward.   

4. The Gift of Fortitude 

Fortitude, or courage, is the strength to stand firm in your faith, even when life feels overwhelming or scary. In Joshua 1:9, God tells Joshua, “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go” (NIV).   

You can ask the Holy Spirit for courage. 

The apostles showed incredible fortitude. Even when they were threatened and persecuted, they boldly shared the gospel, trusting God to protect and empower them (Acts 4:13-20). 

If you’re facing a situation that feels too big to handle, ask the Holy Spirit for courage. Whether it’s standing up for your faith or simply making it through a tough day, He’s with you. 

5. The Gift of Knowledge 

Knowledge is the ability to see God’s truth in every area of life. It’s about recognizing His hand at work in the world and understanding His purpose for you. Colossians 2:2-3 reminds us that in Christ are hidden “all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge” (NIV). 

God gave Daniel the knowledge to interpret King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, revealing a divine message that no one else could understand (Daniel 2:19-23). 

Pray for the Holy Spirit to deepen your understanding of His truth. Whether it’s through a situation at work, a relationship, or your personal study of scripture, He wants to reveal Himself to you. 

Biblical Insights  

6. The Gift of Piety 

Piety, or reverence, is a heart that loves and honors God deeply. It’s about worshiping Him with humility and gratitude. Psalm 29:2 encourages us to “worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness” (NIV). 

Mary’s response to the angel in Luke 1:54-55 is a beautiful example of piety. Her song of praise, shows her deep love and awe for God.  

Cultivate a heart of worship by thanking God daily, even for the small things. Acts of kindness and service to others can also be an expression of reverence for Him. 

7. The Gift of Fear of the Lord 

Fear of the Lord isn’t about being scared of God. It’s about being in awe of His greatness and power, which leads to humility and worship. Proverbs 9:10 tells us, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” (NIV). 

The gifts of the Holy Spirit are for you—right here, right now. 

Isaiah’s vision in the temple (Isaiah 6:1-8) is a powerful example. When Isaiah saw God’s glory, he was overwhelmed by awe and reverence, realizing his own unworthiness. 

Take time to reflect on God’s majesty. Look at creation, read about His works in scripture, and let your heart be filled with wonder and gratitude. 

The gifts of the Holy Spirit aren’t just for the “super spiritual.” They’re for you—right here, right now. Each one is a reminder of how God equips you to live a life that reflects His love and power.   

So, which gift do you see most in your life? And which one do you want to grow in?

Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal and strengthen these gifts in you. He’s ready to walk with you, guide you, and empower you every step of the way.

If you missed our previous blogs in this series, check them out: Walking with the Holy Spirit: 5 ways to help you overcome sin, and Who is the Holy Spirit: 7 things you need to know.