
Take God with You to Your Workplace

Ever wonder how you can improve your mental and emotional attitude at your workplace? How about incorporating prayer into your daily agenda?

I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people …. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.
─ 1 Timothy 2:1, 3-4 ESV

You don’t need to work in a church or at a ministry to pray.

One woman, who worked as a receptionist in a busy office, shared how she prayed at work. On her lunch break, she pulled out a list of military men and women she had committed to pray for. And right there, while she ate, she interceded silently for them, by name, for their protection as they served the nation in war zones.

No matter what you do for a living, you can take God to your workplace.

As a result, she said she felt:

  • Closer to God because of the increased communication with Him.
  • More at peace because her spirit was exercising trust in Him.
  • Less stress as she dealt with customers who came into the lobby because her perspective toward them was more loving and less negative.

In fact, she went a step further and began praying for each person who visited the office, interceding for their safety and salvation.

No matter what you do for a living, take God to your workplace by calling on His name in prayer, for yourself and for others. It’ll change your perspective for the better.

Today’s One Thing
Ask God to show you how to pray in your workplace. Take action in prayer this week, and see how differently things look to you because of your time in prayer.

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Source: “Intentional Minute” audio, 1-13-11

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