You Can Overcome the Grave
The very purpose of the enemy of your soul is to kill, steal or destroy you (John 10:10). He hates God and wants to triumph over Him. His vendetta against you isn’t personal, it’s simple. If he can convince you the circumstances of life are more powerful than the resurrection power you have inside of you as a child of God, then he can steal your purpose.
When the centurion and those who were with him, keeping watch over Jesus, saw the earthquake and what took place, they were filled with awe and said, “Truly this was the Son of God!”
─ Matthew 27:54 ESV
The life-giving power of God flows in you and through you. Let the Easter celebration remind you of the resurrection life living in and flowing through you. Jesus went to the grave to overcome it. And He purposefully handed you that victory. In and through Him you have the victory over death, hell and the grave.
Your eternal life is assured, but God wants you to live victoriously in this life. In the verse above, the Roman soldier stationed at the tomb to make sure no one stole Jesus’ body, marveled at the miraculous power of God – declaring Jesus to be the Son of God! He had no other answer for what he saw that day.
It’s time to come up out of the grave and live victoriously.
Matthew 27 tells of the events leading up to Jesus’ death. In verses 51-53 as night fell over the earth the day Jesus surrendered His spirit and died, the veil of the temple was torn in two, the earth quaked and graves were opened. Many bodies of those who served God and died were raised to life after Jesus’ resurrection, coming out of their graves, appearing to many in the holy city.
The same spirit – the same power – that raised Jesus up lives in you. You can live a life of victory over this world and any challenging circumstances you find yourself in today.
Today’s One Thing
Read Matthew 27:45-66, the last hours of Jesus’ life and then ask God to help you become more aware of how His resurrection life is at work in you.