Optimistic Excitement
Vacations are important for those moments away from regular routines. The planning and preparations create an opportunity to look forward to an exciting and refreshing time. As your vacation date gets closer, the excitement gradually builds as you spend time thinking and imagining all the things you will do and see.
Seek the Lord and his strength; seek his presence continually!
– 1 Chronicles 16:11 ESV
Just like the anticipation of an exciting vacation, the Lord wants you to think of Him continuously with excitement. He desires for you to rejoice and praise Him at all times. It’s spiritually healthy to include Him in your career, relationships, church, business, homework and home.
God uses His Word to train, console, guide and deflect. Filling your mind with Scripture and your mouth with His praises creates optimistic excitement for your one-on-one time with Him.
Allow your prayer time and Scripture reading to be a time you look forward to daily—an exciting moment to experience. While you may have critical daily routines, embrace your time with the Lord as moments to seek instruction, peace and direction. Your time is a beautiful moment to be with the One who created all things and desires to be with you.
The proof is in His actions. He sent His Son for you, and the Son gave you the Holy Spirit to be your primary source to glean insight and wisdom, while also serving as the One who helps you demonstrate love, kindness, gentleness and patience to others.
Today’s One Thing
Plan for a daily time that you spend with the Lord by yourself. Offer adoration to the Lord by acknowledging who He is and seeking His direction through prayer and scripture readings.