A Powerful Act of Love and Service
As we journey through life, it’s easy to become discouraged when we don’t see the results of our efforts immediately. This is especially true when it comes to matters of faith. We may feel like our prayers aren’t being answered or that our efforts to share the gospel are falling on deaf ears.
Don’t get tired of helping others. You will be rewarded when the time is right, if you don’t give up.
– Galatians 6:9 CEV
But planting seeds of faith is a process, and it takes time. In the parable of the sower, Jesus taught that not all seeds will take root and grow. Some will fall on rocky ground or among thorns and will be unable to grow. But some will fall on good soil and produce a crop. And even though not everyone will receive the message of the gospel, it’s important to keep planting seeds of faith, trusting that God will bring about the harvest in His own time.
Contemporary Christian artist, Anne Wilson shared in her recent interview with Family Life Radio, she didn’t have a personal encounter with Jesus until seventh grade even though she grew up in church. She shared all those years of going to church and listening to Sunday sermons helped build her knowledge of God and His Word. Her story is a great reminder that even if we don’t see the results of our efforts immediately, God can still use them in ways that we may not even realize.
Trust God to bring about a harvest in His own time from the seeds you sow.
If you’re feeling discouraged or stagnant in your own spiritual growth:
- Remember that it’s a process.
- Stay committed to church attendance.
- Read and study God’s Word
- Spend time in prayerful conversations with God.
- Look for opportunities to serve others and to share the gospel, trusting that God will bring about the growth in His own time.
And if you’re a parent who’s struggling to instill Christian values in your children, recognize you’re planting seeds of faith that may not take root for many years. Trust that God is working in the hearts of your children and that He will bring about the harvest.
As you continue on your Christian journey, remember that planting seeds of faith is a powerful act of love and service.
Today’s One Thing
What seeds will you sow into the lives of those you love today? Stop a minute and really think about it. Write down the names of three of the people you will do this with today. Ask God to help prepare their hearts for your conversation with them.