Connect to Your Life Source
In order to bear tasty fruit, you must remain connected to the true life source.
I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit.
– John 15:5 ESV
The branches drape over the grapevine in lovely life-filled green leaves, weighed down by clusters of colorful sweet fruit. The dry branches are pruned and cleared away, while the others flourish from a nutrient source unseen. They go on to serve a delicious purpose.
Similarly, Jesus told His disciples each branch, each believer, must be connected to the vine, which is Christ. The spiritual life-giving nutrients come from Him. Simply hanging around Him or other believers results in a dry branch. You must be attached to Him as your life source for fruit to grow.
In order to bear fruit, you must be connected to Jesus as your life source.
If you are running dry, maybe you have become disconnected from the life-giving nutrients Christ gives. A little bit of Living Water goes a long way to nourishing fruit. Sink your roots in and experience what He alone can do.
Spend time not only reading God’s Word, but thinking about what the Scriptures mean for you here and now. Stop and think about it, pray about it and read it again.
Today’s One Thing
Read Psalm 103 and savor it. Think about what it means and pray it back to God.