In a Moment of Fear
A Mother’s Prayer
In our lives, we all face moments that test our faith and strength. Thea from New Mexico shared a story with us that beautifully illustrates how turning to God during such times can bring us peace and clarity.
When Thea’s daughter discovered a lump under her arm, fear immediately set in. The possibility of cancer loomed over them, a nightmare scenario for any parent. Thea’s instinctive response was rooted in her faith: “She was so scared that it was cancer I told her, we just need to pray.”
God’s Comfort through the Airwaves
As they prayed, Family Life Radio became God’s instrument of comfort. A song with the lyrics “…I pray for your healing and your circumstances will change,” played, touching Thea’s heart deeply. She felt it was a divine message for her daughter. “I just started crying. I said, ‘Thank you, God. Thank you, thank you, that song was for my baby.’”
God can use any means to reach us, to assure us of His presence in our lives.
Thea’s story is a call to action for us all. Family Life Radio served as the vessel for God’s comfort to reach Thea and her daughter. “I thank you all so much for your station. I can’t imagine if it wasn’t on for myself and other people to hear those words of prayer and encouragement.” Your contributions, whether financial or through prayer, enable these moments of divine connection and comfort to continue.
How You Can Help
What Thea experienced speaks to the broader narrative of God’s love and provision for us. By supporting Family Life Radio, you’re contributing to a community that shares and amplifies messages of hope, healing, and faith. How will you participate in this community of faith? How would God have you help to make a difference for others.
Let’s remember the strength found in community and the power of our collective support. “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way, you will fulfill the law of Christ” (Galatians 6:2 NIV).
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