
He Chose to Give It All

As we prepare our hearts for Christmas, it’s easy to get caught up in the traditions we have with family and friends. But take a moment to peel back the layers of all that we’ve piled on top of the simplicity of God’s heart for this season and you’ll find a deeper and more meaningful truth.

“For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.”

– Luke 19:10 NKJV

Jesus chose to come to earth. He wasn’t forced, nor was it a reluctant decision. He relinquished the glory of Heaven and entered our broken world so that He could give us a way back to the Father, a hope that we would choose eternity with Him.

Jesus gave it all because He loved us more than we can imagine.

When we think about Christmas, we think of gifts—beautifully wrapped presents under the tree, given with care and joy. But the greatest gift ever given came wrapped in swaddling cloths, lying in a manger. Jesus chose to take on human flesh, to experience hunger, pain, sorrow, and even death—all for us. He willingly laid down His life to offer us eternal life.

This act of love is beyond comprehension. Jesus’ journey to the cross didn’t begin at Calvary, but in the quiet humility of His birth in Bethlehem. His mission was clear: to seek and save the lost. And He accomplished this by giving Himself completely—choosing to serve, choosing to suffer, becoming a sacrifice for you and me.

As you reflect on the Christmas story this year, remember that Jesus came with purpose, driven by love, and determined to bring each one of us back into relationship with the Father.

Today’s One Thing

This Christmas, take a moment to pause and thank Jesus for His choice to give it all. Reflect on how you can follow His example by choosing to love and serve those around you, especially those who may be hurting or in need this season.

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