“When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.”
─ Psalm 56:3
I shouldn’t have stayed so late at the party, Myra thought as she sat on the landing of the steps to her second story apartment. After the driver pulled away, she realized she didn’t have her apartment keys, and her roommate was out of town.
She realized her phone was dying as she scrolled through her contacts. Her boyfriend, Tanner, had already left town for college. Her parents were out of state too. Her eyes fell on Tanner’s sister, Lily’s number. She scribbled it on her arm with the ink pen she found in her purse just in time.
She sat there in the quiet, thankful for the lights around the apartment complex. “Lord,” she prayed tearfully and quietly, “I know you are with me. Please keep me safe. And please send someone to help me.”
A few minutes later a young man appeared at the bottom of the stairs. “You locked out?” he asked.
She didn’t really want to admit that she was, but she knew she had to. “Yes! I’ve lost my keys. Could I use your phone to call someone?”
“Sure,” he replied, moving toward her with his phone in his hand.
She was very uneasy but tried not to show it as she put Lily’s number into his phone. She was relieved to hear Lily’s voice. She quickly explained her situation. Lily agreed to come and get her and offered her the spare bedroom at her parents’ house.
Minutes later, safely seated in Lily’s car, she could breathe again. “Thank you, Lord, for taking care of me!”
When we find ourselves in troubling circumstances, the Bible reminds us of the hope we have when we put our trust in God to sustain us through what we are facing.
Today’s One Thing
When has God rescued you? Share your story of how God rescued you with a friend and encourage them this week.