His Greatness
Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised, and his greatness is unsearchable. One generation shall commend your works to another and shall declare your mighty acts.
─ Psalm 145:3-4
Two days after his father’s triple bypass surgery, Kevin felt the anxiety he had pressed down below the surface beginning to emerge. He needed an escape. He looked at his father, who was asleep, and then glanced at his mother sitting in the chair next to him. “I’ll be back in an hour or two,” he whispered. She nodded knowingly that he needed a break.
He stopped by the hospital café and picked up a hot tea to take with him – wherever he was going. As he slid into his truck, he remembered his cousin mentioning Garden of the Gods wasn’t too far from the Colorado Springs hospital.
He’d been there several times over the years with his family. He maneuvered the truck toward the park. Once there, he parked the car and stepped onto one of the paths that took him out onto a beautiful view. He sat down on the ledge and let his legs hang off, thankful to be alone with no other visitors in site.
He breathed deeply taking in the impressive grandeur of the rock formations designed by the Creator. Tears of gratitude and thanksgiving trickled down his face slowly. He made no attempt to wipe them, but let them fall freely, unashamed. His heart burst with overwhelming thanks to God, the greatness of his Heavenly Father who had provided a miracle in his life, extending Kevin’s earthly father’s days on earth.
Today’s One Thing
When was the last time you reflected on the greatness of your Heavenly Father? What miracles do you have to share that He’s performed in your life? Share your story with someone today and give Him praise.