All Praise – August 14
A Year with Aslan from The Last Battle
Have you ever felt embarrassed after doing something you knew you shouldn’t do? In the Last Battle, Puzzle shows himself again after a rather uncomfortable episode where he had dressed up like Aslan.
& even though he felt ridiculous, & nervous about meeting Aslan, he was met with grace .. & the words from Queen Lucy, …
You’ll find it will be all right when you really do.
Ransomed Heart Devotion
Because God is alive, we can face tomorrow .. but resurrection means so much more. In Waking the Dead, John Eldredge says…
We’re enchanted by tales of transformation. The Phoenix rises; Cinderella becomes queen; The Ugly Duckling becomes a swan; Pinocchio becomes a real boy. It’s the essential part to any story, because it’s the secret to Christianity. You must be born again. Keeping the law, following the rules won’t do. We need transformation.
AW Tozer ~ Faith Beyond Reason
If I can learn what you admire, I will know what you are .. for people are what they think about when they are free to think about what they will.
Henry Nouwen ~ Discernment
Contemplation looks not so much at things as through them, into their hearts, into their centers, to discover the whole world of spiritual beauty.
Jay Milbrandt ~ go + do
It’s in that vast mutual rescue that we find the places of suffering that are unreached by goodness & God’s grace.
Charles Schulz ~ Creator of Peanuts
A whole stack of memories never equal one little hope.