
Be an Extraordinary Mother

Mother’s Day can be a difficult celebration for some. It’s an awkward moment for those who feel motherless or childless biologically, but God desires for all women to be a daughter and a mother within His family.

[Older women] should encourage the younger women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be sensible and pure, to manage their households, to be kind, and to submit themselves to their husbands. Otherwise, the word of God may be discredited.
─ Titus 2:4-5 ISV

As a woman, the verse today calls you to inspire, encourage, teach and love younger women. God will open doors for you to spiritually mentor others with a motherly love and grace. And as a daughter, He will give you spiritual mothers to teach you many things that He wants you to know.

When God opens the door to encourage others, be quick to follow His lead.

Perhaps you don’t even recognize who God has called you to connect with, or how you can give into another woman’s life. But God has set things in motion for you to share His love with others.

  • Perhaps it’s simply showing kindness to a young mother who needs another set of hands.
  • Maybe He will give you words to share with someone to demonstrate His kindness and love.
  • He wants every one of His daughters to feel valued and loved.

Become very aware of how your life is a living example of God’s love to others. The Father has placed women in your life, both older and younger, to give into and receive from. When God opens the door to encourage others, be quick to follow His lead.

Today’s One Thing
Ask the Father what you can do today to encourage another mother or daughter. Be willing and obedient when He opens the door for you to do so, and trust His guidance.

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