Encouragement is Contagious
You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.
─ Deuteronomy 6:5
Lindy closed her eyes. Unexpected life circumstances had nearly taken her completely under the waves of doubt, hopelessness and self-pity the past few months. But yesterday her sweet friend, Beth, had called and encouraged her with an amazing story of how God was at work in her own life. After a devastating hurricane had taken Beth’s home, and nearly everything in it more than six months ago, God was finally working out the details to restore all.
This morning something was different. Lindy felt hope tug at her heart. Lord, she prayed, if Beth’s story could turn my heart around and renew my hope, what can I do to offer hope to others? And suddenly she knew the answer.
She dug through a pile of stationery supplies she’d tucked away in a box under her bed. She pulled out her wallet to see how many stamps she had and determined the nearly full book of stamps would be perfect. Lindy began to write words of encouragement to friends the Lord brought to her mind. She expressed her joy for friendship with them and thanked them for their prayers and friendship. She told them just how their relationship with her had blessed her and brought her through difficult times.
We all need encouragement. Our stories of God’s goodness inspire others to keep on keeping on.
Today’s One Thing
Who would the Lord have you encourage and celebrate? Take time to send a text, make a phone call or drop a thank you note in the mail to them today.