Escaping the Pit of Discontent
What are you doing to grow your faith today? Faith is active; it requires believing something and then pursuing it. When you become idle in your faith, that’s when you become distracted, lose focus and can fall into the pit of discontent.
Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life.
─ Proverbs 4:23 ESV
According to a 2019, pre-COVID world, the National Institute of Mental Health reports nearly one in five adults living in the United States struggle with mental illness. Since the pandemic, those numbers have soared, affecting children as well.
Guard your thoughts!
Wisdom’s instruction from Proverbs in the verse above reminds you to guard your thoughts which are the gateway to your mind, will and emotions. Your feelings and desires are the outflow of what you spend time thinking about.
It’s important to keep our mind on the things that keep us moving in a healthy, God-intended direction. Thinking about what you don’t have or things you can’t change can lead to discontent. It’s important to set boundaries on what you will and won’t think about.
Today’s One Thing
Think about the boundaries you should set today. You know what thoughts take you off course. Establish a boundary concerning those thoughts. When you think that thought, immediately take it to God in prayer. Ask Him to help you align your thoughts to His will and His word.