Expect Your Ordinary to Become His Extraordinary
Life can feel overwhelmingly ordinary. The routine of daily tasks—commuting to work, cooking meals, managing household chores—often seems mundane and disconnected from spiritual significance. Yet, the Apostle Paul reminds us in Romans 12:1 that every aspect of our everyday life can become a beautiful act of worship when surrendered to God.
Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him.
—Romans 12:1 MSG
God invites us to present our entire lives to Him as an offering. No matter how trivial your daily activities seem, done with a heart of worship, they are valuable to God. You likely never thought of your routines and responsibilities as sacred opportunities to glorify Him.
Consider your morning routine.
- As you wake up and start your day, offer those first moments to God.
- Invite Him into your day, asking Him to guide your thoughts and actions.
- When preparing meals, do so with gratitude, acknowledging God’s provision.
- As you do your job, try to reflect God’s excellence and integrity.
Your daily life, in all its ordinary details, becomes extraordinary when offered to God as worship.
God is present in every circumstance. And there’s power and significance as you recognize His hand in the blessings and in the challenges. If we believe He is at work, even when we cannot see it, that trust deepens our relationship with Him and brings His perspective into view.
By transforming our daily lives into acts of worship, we draw closer to God, finding purpose and meaning in every moment. Embrace His perspective and watch how He will use the ordinary to create something extraordinary.
Today’s One Thing
Take a moment to write down your daily routine. Pray over each activity, asking God to help you see these moments as opportunities to worship Him. Look for ways to invite God into your day-to-day tasks, transforming the ordinary into acts of devotion.