
Freely Restored

“For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he”

─ Psalm 23:7

An unexpected text from a neighbor popped up on Brenda’s phone as she made her way home from a work trip. party at your house yesterday. kids were drinking.

Brenda, shocked and hurt, thought, Brooke’s never given me a reason not to trust her … until now.

As soon as she pulled into the garage, Brooke rushed into her mother’s arms, her eyes filled with tears. “Mom, I’m so sorry. I know what I did was wrong and dangerous.”

Brenda took a deep breath. “I’m disappointed…and there will be consequences,” she said. “I’m just so thankful to God that no one was hurt. It’s going to take time to rebuild trust, but I forgive you.”

Psalm writers celebrated God’s reply to confession and repentance with complete forgiveness. He’s always willing to forgive because of Christ’s exchange on the cross. Trust God to forgive you, then freely accept his forgiveness.

Today’s One Thing

Read a chapter in Psalms today as reminder of how easy it is to drift from God and what is necessary to restore relationship with Him.

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