
He Gives What You Desire

Taking delight in the Lord changes your desires.

Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.
– Psalm 37:4 ESV

Your life will always travel in the direction of your strongest desire. One may think by delighting in the Lord, He will give you what you desire. If you take another look at Psalm 37:4, a new meaning comes to light. First, what does it mean to “delight in the Lord?” If the definition of “delight” is to take pleasure in, then if you take pleasure in the Lord, His ways and His principles, you look forward to spending time with Him and reading His Word. You delight in His love and His forgiveness. You enjoy worshipping together with other believers. These things are delightful to you.

As you do these things, you are delighting in the Lord. He begins to change your desires to line up with His own. And then He gives you your heart’s desires.

When you delight in the Lord, He gives you desires that line up with His desires.

As you gain joy in spending time with Him, God transforms your thinking and your wants. Your focus becomes Him. You gain confidence that He will take care of what concerns you. He will give you what you need to go where He sends and give up what is necessary to follow His lead.

Find your pleasure in the Lord, and He will transform your desires incredibly to line up with all He has in store. Is there any greater delight?

Today’s One Thing
Write down and date your biggest current desire so you can check back to see what God does as you delight in Him over the next few weeks.

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