
Heavenly Metrics

Don’t believe the lie that only those in formal ministry roles are responsible for significant Kingdom impact. God expects every single one of us to be ministers of His love, regardless of our titles or positions.

By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.

– John 13:35 NKJV

While not everyone is part of the fivefold ministry—apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers—every believer has a crucial role in sharing God’s love. You are here on purpose. You have a purpose.

God measures success by our obedience and love for His creation.

Jesus was all about showing love to one another. The love He speaks of is not confined to grand gestures or public acts but is most often revealed in the quiet, everyday moments of our lives. When we love others—truly and deeply—we reflect God’s love to the world.

Success in God’s eyes is personal and intimate. He looks beyond statistics and sees each one of us as individuals. He knows each name and every heart, valuing our willingness to follow His lead over any earthly measure of success.

As you go about your week, remember, every act of love is a ministry. We are all intended to be reflections of God’s love, touching lives in ways that statistics can never capture. Our faithfulness in these small acts honors God and spreads His love throughout the world.

Today’s One Thing

Today, find a small yet meaningful way to show God’s love to someone. It could be a kind word, a helping hand, or a listening ear. Remember, it’s not about how many people you reach but the depth of love you show in each interaction.

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