Let Go Of Distractions
Have you ever found yourself distracted from the present because the list of all the tasks on your plate is scrolling in your mind? Do you struggle with anxieties that gather momentum inside you like a runaway train?
Let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles.
─ Hebrews 12:1 NIV
Brian couldn’t sleep—his mind rewound and replayed the day’s events over and over again as he reviewed the “what ifs” surrounding the decisions he’d made that day.
If your thoughts are on those things that concern you, they steal your peace. The weight of what you wish you could have done differently, responded better to or done more in the moment for, are traps the enemy sets before you. It’s his hope he can keep you from living the life of victory God desires for you.
John 10:10 says the devil comes to steal kill and destroy, but Jesus comes to give you abundant life – a life that thrives in His presence.
In our verse today, the Word of God encourages us to let go of every distraction that keeps us from engaging in our relationship with God. Throw off the weight of what if and become determined to keep your focus on the race set before you. Jesus is the author and finisher of your faith! Look to Him!
Let go of every distraction that keeps you from your relationship with God.
Throw off the weight of what if and become determined to keep your focus on the race set before you. Jesus is the author and finisher of your faith!
Look to Him!
Today’s One Thing
Keep your journal by the bed and write down the things you can’t seem to get off your mind … and give them over to Jesus.