Miracles All Around
The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.
— James 5:16
Jason pressed the accelerator just a bit to keep up with the flow of traffic on the busy interstate. He and his wife Cindy were returning from a visit with friends on the other side of the city. Suddenly, they heard a horrible crashing sound in the lane next to them. Cindy turned to look out her passenger window to see a car in the next lane spinning toward them.
Jason swerved just a little and sped up even more to get out of the way of the out of control car. Miraculously they remained untouched as the other car flipped over and landed upside down.
Cindy immediately began to pray for those in the other car as Jason looked for a place to pull over. When they were finally able to get out of the car, they saw that many other drivers had stopped to help.
“That was a miraculous intervention,” Jason exclaimed. “There’s no way that car should have stayed in its lane.”
Cindy agreed. “I’m so thankful we took the time to pray together before leaving this morning!”
Prayer is powerful. Accidents like this happen, and we need God’s divine protection in many areas of our lives. When we take a few moments to ask Him to keep us safe, we can be assured that He hears us. We also remind ourselves that He’s ultimately in control.
Today’s One Thing
Pray for your safety and for that of the other drivers while you’re on the road today—just keep your eyes open.