Reaching Your Goals
For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it?
— Luke 14:28
The New Zealand Parliament House stands unfinished after more than one hundred years. In 1911 the government approved plans to construct a new building after a fire burned the previous one down. However, it took three years to even start construction and eleven years to complete the first stage of building. The second stage was never started and the building was not officially inaugurated until 1995. Technically, it’s still not finished.
Too often we fail to keep resolutions or reach goals. We set out with lofty plans, but when we hit bumps along the way, we give up. Christ spoke of the need to plan and consider the cost before starting a project. We may have big dreams, but to accomplish them we need to make the time, save the money and stick with our commitment. We also need to follow through.
Jesus used the analogy of planning a building before He spoke about what it takes to be a disciple, a committed follower. He wants us to be whole-hearted and faithful servants.
God may have called you to do something that you have yet to start, perhaps a call to be part of a ministry or to mentor someone. It won’t happen until you make plans, schedule time and get to work. Excuses may have piled up and procrastination stalled the work. Persistence and putting the plan into action, one step at a time, will bring results.
Today’s One Thing
Consider how you can be a disciple and make plans to commit time to God’s call.