Take Heart
The One who overcame the world is with you.
In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.
– John 16:33 NIV
Are things not going as smoothly as you planned? Are you hitting obstacles you never expected? These things do not surprise God. Jesus warned that there would be trouble. He also gave the encouragement you need – Himself.
In John 16, He reminds His disciples, including you, that He overcame the world. Not only was the world created through Him, but He lived here perfectly as a human being. He died an excruciating death so you can have a relationship with Him. He rose from the dead. That is great power.
You can expect some trouble, but all-powerful Jesus is with you to help you through.
In Christ, you have all you need to get through this hour, this day and this week. Jesus knew you would need encouragement. That is why He said, “Take heart!” He wants you to look to Him. He is much bigger and much more powerful than anything you are trudging through.
What does it look like to “Take heart”?
- Talk to God honestly.
- Read His Word.
- Pray about what concerns you.
- Let go of things out of your control.
- Trust Him to lead you.
Today’s One Thing
What do you need to trust God with today? Picture laying it at the feet of Jesus as He listens to your heart’s cry. Although it may look different than your own, watch in hopeful anticipation of His perfect solution.