
Triumphant in Battle

Seventy-two psalms, more than half of the Psalms, mention enemies. We often think of physical enemies like the armies that chased David or warred against Israel, but enemies can mean many different things.

I trust in you; do not let me be put to shame, nor let my enemies triumph over me. No one who hopes in you will ever be put to shame, but shame will come on those who are treacherous without cause.

─ Psalm 25:2-3 NIV

  • You have an enemy of your soul, who is also the one who opposes God. He is Satan, the fallen angel and god of this world.
  • As children of God, our enemies are anyone and anything that opposes God.
  • Things that hinder us from living life God’s way or following His commands can be seen as enemies – things that tempt us.

You can have hope knowing your enemies will not triumph over you.

David didn’t question his faith. He trusted God and often lifted up his soul to Him for help and encouragement, like in our verses today. His words in these two verses are a great example for us to follow in prayer to God about our enemies.

  • I trust you, God!
  • I know you will not let me be put to shame.
  • My enemies cannot win.
  • Because I trust in you, I will not suffer shame.
  • My enemies’ successes will not be obstacles to my faith.

Do you struggle to see justice prevail at times? We live in a fallen world, but we can have hope knowing our enemies – whoever and whatever they are – will not triumph over us.

Today’s One Thing

Be encouraged today by declaring the affirmations David used above.

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