Your Purpose – It’s Not What but Who You Know
God planted eternity in your heart from the very beginning of time. From beginning to end, the time you spend in this life can never satisfy the hunger you have for a perfect world that can only be found after this world as we know it ends.
He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.
─ Ecclesiastes 3:11 NIV
You can never be completely satisfied by the things you pursue in this life. The fact that you are created in God’s image means you have –
- A spiritual thirst.
- Eternal value.
- A longing for a perfect world.
Nothing but the eternal God brings satisfaction. He is your purpose.
Your purpose can only be found in God.
You have a purpose that extends into all of eternity. No matter how noble, worthy or beneficial in the eyes of humankind, only the pursuit of your God-given purpose can truly satisfy. Only when you give Him first place in your life, and live to esteem Him, can you experience satisfaction.
Your purpose is Who you know. Ultimately, your purpose comes from pursuing the Father. In Him you are to live, to move and have a long-term, eternal perspective. God wants you to have His perspective for this life. When you do, you discover the real pleasure is found in doing what He gives you to do using the gifts He’s instilled in you.
Today’s One Thing
Take time today to examine what you are pursuing. Write out your top five on a sheet of paper. Are your goals and dreams in alignment with the talents God’s given you? Do you have peace in pursuing them in Him? Invite the Holy Spirit to guide you in adjusting anything that is not in pursuit of God.