Prayer and Praise Wall

Prayer Wall


Welcome to the Family Life Radio Prayer Wall! Share your prayer request below (anonymously, if you’d prefer) and pray for others at the same time. All prayer posts are moderated, so please allow 24 hours for your request to appear.

If you would like someone to pray with today, you can set up a video call, send a text, or even chat online by clicking here. You can also call our prayer line at 888-888-9976 and press 3 to speak to a care coach right now.

You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Only your first name and request will be shared, all other details are kept hidden. Once your prayer request is received, we will review it and share to your instructions. Please try to limit the length of your prayer requests so as many as possible can fit and be seen.

I prayed for this

Prayed for 6 times.


My daughter, who has an alcohol addiction, finally admitted she needs help and spent all afternoon looking for a place that would admit her.. no one would.. My granddaughter is 8.. Oh dear Lord, heavenly Father please help my daughter find help and heal her of this horrible addiction. Please keep my daughter and granddaughter safe. Please Lord lead her to you and your healing hands. I ask in YOUR name.. Amen

Received: October 27, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 6 times.


Prayer to see my grandaughter from my deceased son. Another grandaughter for light to come out darkness in court & get full custody of her & my grandparents rights in Jesus mighty name!

Received: October 27, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 9 times.


help me pray for my marriage, my husband and I have been separated since January, I have been struggling on what to do next, and God has been putting on my heart to not give up and to fight for my marriage, yesterday I found out that my husband is seeing someone else....I am devastated and dont know what to do but pray, and ask for God to take control. I feel so broken, but know that if its Gods will he will bring my husband back to me and that we can work out this marriage

Received: October 27, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 6 times.


Please pray for my daughter Cindy C. She is in a unhealthy relationship and has one foot out the door and one foot in. She is a Christian and was baptized when she was a teen. I know that she will be ok and that the Holy Spirit and guardian Angels souround her and keep her safe. But my flesh has me worked confused scared for her. I can't offer her shelter cause it's my mom's house and I know. That it's not a solution. She is Sertified mentally ill but is functional when she's on her meds but I think right know she's not taking her meds. Pray and declare for someone to reach out to her and give her offer her a Christian solution. .I've asked her if shesreached out to her counselor and she says yes but I feel desperate to reach out myself but don't have the number. She's one day from being homeless .

Received: October 27, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 9 times.


Please pray for my wife tomorrow. I am about to disclose years worth of lies and deceptions to her. Her world is already shattered and I fear that tomorrow will only make things worse. I only hope that after tomorrow that she will see that I am truly repenting for my sinful ways and that I am starting to turn my life around for the good. I am trusting God during this process, that he will bring peace to our lives. Amen

Received: October 27, 2020

This prayer has been answered!

Prayed for 4 times.


Please pray for my mother for healing, she is 76 year old she had a heart attack, blood clot which she beat in the past and she is a diabetic. She is in the hospital now fighting pneumonia and covid19. The Doctors Says looks like she won’t get better and they don’t think it’s a good idea to put her on ventilator because of past conditions.

Received: October 27, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 16 times.


Please pray for the Rogers family and for the truth to be revealed in court so they can get their children back.

Received: October 27, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 13 times.


Prayers for David and Tobias, they each have very serious illnesses they are dealing with, family and friends have requested prayer

Received: October 27, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 12 times.


I pray and Thanksgiving for all the people at Family Life radio, those on the air and those behind the scenes! They have personally got me through so many tough times and helped me to celebrate the good times. Where would be be out without you? You are our lifeline to god!

Received: October 27, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 15 times.


My son, Chris, is having anxiety today and is having a bad day. Pray for release from his anxiety and bring calm, peace, and rest to him right now.

Received: October 27, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 15 times.


Please pray for Ashley and Michael and Jasmine all three are in need of prayer.

Received: October 27, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 16 times.


I am in desperate need to get a loan to pay a ballon payment on a land contract. My credit isn’t quite were it needs to be, i am trying to get it there but time is running out. Im trying not to lose hope but it is all closung in on me. I know in my heart that the lord will provide for me and my family, Please anyone to put me in their prayers for an answer to my situation. Thank you. God Bless.

Received: October 27, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 12 times.


I lost a very dear lady who was like a mom to me due to Covid.. she fought for only a few weeks. She’s the kindest, loving, caring lady you could ever have. I haven’t been able to talk to her for several years now. Due to safety reasons of a past relationship. And cannot go see her due to her passing of Covid... lord, please help me grieve and give her your grace of loosing there mother. You sure did gain a sweet angel.

Received: October 27, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 15 times.


Please pray for my brother Ray and his family. The fires In Southern California are close to his home. The are getting prepared to leave if evacuated. Thank you

Received: October 27, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 15 times.


Please pray for my daughter and I. This world is so cruel and seems like a constant struggle. Pray that my daughter would seek God and see Him at work in each challenging situation. Pray that we would both experience His peace.

Received: October 27, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 19 times.


My cousin and I only have each other Please pray that if Rick dies or I die that we will be so close in a relationship with God we won't be alone in Jesus Holy name amen.

Received: October 27, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 10 times.


I have neglected my prayer and study and allowed myself to become weak in my spirit . Please pray that God will strengthen me. I have repented for neglecting the most important thing is a relationship with God who keeps us strong please pray for my deliverance and wisdom and peace in Jesus Holy name. Amen

Received: October 27, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 10 times.


Pray for the Flint Michigan because they are still one of the ones giving out water every Tuesday morning for all of Flint mi and the people really work there buts off running around putting food and water into the cars and the your rides that come in

Received: October 27, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 11 times.


My daughter in law has a drinking problem. She has missed work because of it. My son doesn't know what to do. She doesn't think she has a problem and can't be told what to do. Pray that she sees the light and gets help before it's too late

Received: October 27, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 13 times.


Please pray for my sister and her three young children for protection from covid 19 thank u

Received: October 27, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 12 times.


Please pray That my grandmother and I don’t get the virus and we stay healthy and well. Please pray that God will send me a kind honest husband and I will have healthy and normal children. Please pray for financial favor and protection in my life. Thank you. God bless.

Received: October 27, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 12 times.


Please pray for healing and forgiveness from my wife for being too critical of her. Pray that we can come to some good balance of expectations in performance in our roles in marriage. Please also pray for peace and confidence that I will be able to provide for my family without being motivated by fear in working in my stressful job. Also pray that my wife can come to some more normalcy

Received: October 26, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 9 times.


Please pray that God will heal L

Received: October 26, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 8 times.


PRAISE THE LORD, and thank you for your prayers! My MRI did NOT show any cancer or any other serious problems with my jaw. However, I still have some form of nerve damage (Numb Chin Syndrome), but my PCP just wants me to follow up with my dentist or dental surgeon. Continued prayers are requested as I still have reduced kidney function. Thank you again, and Thank You Lord!

Received: October 26, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 8 times.


Please pray that God would inspire me and motivate me to find a way to spend my time at home.

Received: October 26, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 14 times.


Praying for a miracle blessing for immediate housing for Leland so he will have a place to reside and not be homeless. Praying for friends and family to reach out to him and help in his time of need. Praying for Gods financial blessings and favor upon him today.

Received: October 26, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 7 times.


I asked for prayer two of my friends to be tested negative for covid they are around people who have very weak immune systems.

Received: October 26, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 8 times.


Please pray for my adult son. He is struggling with mental health issues (Anxiety, depression, low self esteem, PTSD). He has no insurance so we are paying for counseling. He wants to be better and have a wife and family. He has a heart of gold and it hurts me as a mother to see him in so much pain. Thank You.

Received: October 26, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 6 times.


Please pray for my marriage. My husband is tired and feels that this is the end of our marriage. Pray that my heart does not get hardened but love my husband when it is hard and peace.

Received: October 26, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 11 times.


Please pray for 8 year old Kohen who is fighting leukemia and having a hard time and some bad side effects from his treatment. We are asking for God's strength and healing for him and strength and help for his family as they go through this with him.

Received: October 26, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 5 times.


One of my dearest friends Deborah has been struggling with cancer since last May. Last week she learned it has spread to her brain. The doctors are not giving her much hope in beating this. I ask for God’s miracle of healing and for her to have the strength to continue fighting.

Received: October 26, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 6 times.


I pray that my future step son and I get a job, also pray that my fiance gets over her cough, pray that God finds the right one for her. Watch over all the familys.

Received: October 26, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 5 times.


Please pray that this week is calm, peaceful and blessed. Bless our finances, my husband and just allow continuous peace, calm, and joy in our home this week. Allow me to enjoy this time with family.

Received: October 26, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 5 times.


Please pray for the peace, justice and safety for my friend. She was sexually abused by her employer. there was no punishment for the employer. Instead, she was blackmailed when she was searching for a job. My friend has suffered very serious depression since then. Imagine, no justice is given and the worse thing happened after(being blackmailed). Please please pray for my friend, pray for God to lift her, comfort her soul and support her. Thank you!

Received: October 26, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 16 times.


I had a dental appointment last week Thursday and part of my lip & chin are still numb but another part of my mouth (where they did the work) is causing severe pain. I am afraid the numbness is going to stay which is annoying to say the least.

Received: October 26, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 5 times.


Father, Guide him towards you. Make yourself known to him so he is believes again. Give him a desire for you and that he would go to you to satisfy that desire. That he would be filled with living water. Isaiah 58:11“And the Lord will continually guide you,And satisfy your desire in scorched places, And give strength to your bones;And you will be like a watered garden, And like a spring of water whose waters do not fail.

Received: October 26, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 7 times.


My husband is addicted to pornography and it is destroying our marriage. I am considering leaving the marriage because of this issue. I feel disrespected and devalued in the relationship. I feel like I am just an object instead of a person. I am at my wits end and am beginning to hate this man that I married.

Received: October 26, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 6 times.


God bless the elections and our country with peace.

Received: October 26, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 7 times.


I have been talking to my cousin who lives in Denver. He needs help. He is homeless and he has been talking about killing himself. Please pray for him.

Received: October 26, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 6 times.


Please pray for the safety and salvation of my niece Stephanie. She would be in her early 30’s and last I knew lived in area working for a high end restaurant. She may have had a severe falling out with her parents and may have left the country for the Middle East a few years ago. Please pray that we will hear from her soon. Thank you

Received: October 26, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 5 times.


America is on the edge right now, of chosing freedom or demise. Prayer is the key to heaven but, faith unlocks the door. Now is the time for prayer and believing for God's continuing mercy and grace for America. So, please, don't stop praying for God's protection and guidance for America. Now more than ever. I ask these things in Jesus name and thru the power of the Holy Spirit amen and amen.

Received: October 26, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 4 times.


Please pray for my son John and our relationship as mother

and son. He is holding unforgiveness against me

I am not included in anything

they do. I get no respect for

anything I do or have done.

Jesus is the only one who can

turn their hearts around.

I praise him so much for always

seeing me through and just

being there for me, and loving

me continuously.

Received: October 26, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 7 times.


Our daughter is hours away at college, quarantined and waiting for COVID test results. She has had a high fever for 4days and is scared. Please pray for God’s peace and comfort, that He would strengthen her faith in this tough time.

Received: October 26, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 4 times.


Please pray our daughter will have peace, guidance, and protection from all harm as she continues virtual teaching first grade. Her children are not showing much compaction as she is struggling with health issues and living alone. Please pray her adult children will show more compassion during this lonely time. I ask these things in Jesus holy and mighty name and thru the power of the Holy Spirit amen and amen.

Received: October 26, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 5 times.


Please pray unspoken. Thank you

Received: October 26, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 5 times.


Hi, is anyone willing to pray for Lexi (who works for WWE under a different name) that she gets saved and it helps others around her to be saved as well through Christ please?

Thank you.

Received: October 25, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 4 times.


Please pray for my son Juan for obedience, Good choices ,Wisdom from God pray for him and Alyssa so they can restore there relationship and get marry pray so there relationship get stronger so they can become a rope of 3God &them that no one can brake also pray for his relationship with his in-laws thank you for u Prayers

Received: October 25, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 8 times.


I am really struggling. I am going throw some medical stuff alone(by myself) and it’s starting to ware me down going through everything alone. (No friends or family)I have been trying to stay strong for myself to get myself through my own medical stuff/procedures, but I am very hurt/sad/depressed and feeling very alone. I wish I had friends I could lean on and trust, friends that would be a good support system for me. My heart is so broken that I am going through this life a lone and going through medical trials a lone. Please help me and pray for me.

Received: October 25, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 7 times.


My marriage. I am so heartbroken. Husband lives in Oregon working. Im in mi. Long story. He has cancer and won't retire and come home. Im so lost.

Received: October 25, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 5 times.


Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

- I would like prayers to find a job, restore my marriage, regain health and be a good Christian. Be blessed !

Received: October 25, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 7 times.


Please pray for our assisted /memory care facility that the management team would pay attention to the staffs needs . Pray our teams would come together. Pray a new joy amd committment for our facility. In Jesus Name I pray.

Received: October 25, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 5 times.


Hi there,

Is anyone willing to pray that this individual residing across from me very very soon repents of his sins despite no hope/ confidence that it will happen again very very soon please?

Thank you.

Received: October 25, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 6 times.


Pray for my financial freedom. Pray that I will have finances to pay ALL my monthly bills also please pray for me, I have become very angry, I have also noticed I seem to be struggling with thinking/thoughts.

Received: October 25, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 4 times.


Please agree with me an pray that our stacy and sherry broken relationship be fully restored and stacy an I will work out any issues that broke our relationship an stacy will be my man again .An we will be back together again soon

Received: October 25, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 13 times.


My marriage and my soul need strength and prayer. That I may love my husband as Jesus does and that God will bring my husband to a place where he will come to his knees and offer up all his burdens and struggles to the Lord and not try to carry this on his own. I pray for wholeness, healing and restoration in my marriage in His Mighty Name.

Received: October 25, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 18 times.


Please, pray for a friend and her family. Her father died.

Received: October 25, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 12 times.


Please pray for our marriage feel I'm losing my husband due to his sins he has been committed to. I am in love with him but I need alot of help and prayers.... to save this marriage

Received: October 25, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 10 times.


Please pray for our marriage feel I'm losing my husband due to his sins he has been committed to. I am in love with him but I need alot of help and prayers.... to save this marriage

Received: October 25, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 15 times.


Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

- I would like prayers to find a job, restore my marriage, regain health and be a good Christian. Be blessed !

Received: October 25, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 14 times.


I have very aggressive neighbors who escalate regularly with no reason and damage the property of others. Please pray for protection and safety and for their swift removal from the neighborhood.

Received: October 25, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 22 times.


Pls pray for a safe and smooth pregnancy for my daughter Henna without any complications. Pls pray that the baby is healthy.thankyou.

Received: October 24, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 13 times.


My 10 and 12 year old grandchildren have had very up-and-down lives due to alcoholism and drugs in their family. Until recently they haven’t had many kids to play with. A family with several kids recently moved nearby, and my grandchildren quickly made friends with them. Twice already a lot of police have shown up at the neighbor’s house. It seems they have some serious problems, and their 15-year-old may struggle emotionally and with drugs ... Please pray hard for my grandchildren to be safe and protected from all spiritual, emotional and physical harm. Please ask God to lead them not temptation, but deliver them from evil. Please pray that every Bible verse they ever heard and even more washes over their minds, hearts and souls and that God’s word gives them overcoming strength and power...Please pray the Holy Spirit gives them wisdom and discernment. Pray for the neighbors in the same way. Please against alcoholism, drugs use, gossip, despair, and the lies of the evil one—anything that would keep them from Jesus,. Pray they all come to saving faith in Jesus and quickly learn to trust Him with all their hearts and minds and souls. Thank you for your prayers.

Received: October 24, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 13 times.


Been to deliverance ministers for demonic attacks. Attacks continue to where I am thrown across the room, burned, bitten by unseen things. We have prayed over our home and for healing, but attacks have gotten more violent and frequent. Photodocumented physical injuries. Deliverance ministers have recommended other freedom pastors due to the elevated nature of the attacked. Don't know what else to do at this point. Feeling hopeless after two comprehensive session series and worse attacks. Feeling suicidal at times..

Received: October 24, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 19 times.


The battle is still raging for my grandson Taylor....mental health issues he attempts to solve with drugs. He has now cut off contact with family. Trusting for a miracle, but I'm struggling with holding on to that faith. Thank you to all who have prayed in the past few weeks.

Received: October 24, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 18 times.


my dad shoved me into a wall last night. I have PTSD from a brutal childhood and the way I used to comfort my self doesn't honor God. please pray that I would not fall to temptation in dealing with this.

Received: October 24, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 12 times.


Please pray for my son Zach. He has been trying to get into inpatient treatment for addiction and has been directed to call everyday to see if a bed has opened up. He’s been trying for 2 weeks, I just talked to the facility and they show Zach calling everyday but they cannot predict an opening until the day of. Please, please pray that a bed will open up for Zach today, tomorrow!! Please pray for favor and blessing over Zach, please pray for protection and encouragement in spirit! He is homeless and wants and needs help so badly! Thank you!

Received: October 24, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 16 times.


I pray for a nice day today. No drama or problems. In Jesus name.

Received: October 24, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 14 times.


My dog passed away. She was 16 and I had her most of my life. My whole family is affected by this. My best friend is going through some things, too. Please pray for hope for her, and the Holy Spirit be beside her.

Received: October 24, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 7 times.


Pray my husband and I can fully surrender to Gods plan of healing to fully recover from the hurts and soul wounds of the past.

Pray we have the will and strength to continue to walk out our commitment to each other with a humble hearts and a teachable spirit. I’m Jesus name!

Received: October 24, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 13 times.


Please pray for God to set my Dad free from the devil. Satin controls everything he does. Also pray for my protection so I don’t become homeless.

Received: October 24, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 6 times.


Please pray God will reveal to America the evil and harm that is trying to turn our people away from God. Please pray America will stand up for good and put their trust in God to keep our people under His care and not choose to be destroyed from satan's evil intentions. I ask these things in Jesus holy and mighty name and thru the power of the Holy Spirit amen and amen.

Received: October 24, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 8 times.


Please pray for my family it is under attack from the devil. Our finances, health and family closeness. I have bad anxiety and stress. I know that God has me in the palm of his hands. May He protect us.

Received: October 24, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 10 times.


Please pray for Kaila. It's time for her to trust the Lord, and step out into His will for her. She needs to put her trust in Him and His leading. Now is the time to prepare to take action. But she needs to let go of her pride and summit to the leading of Christ! If she has not given her heart to Him, than may Jesus break though to her! Thankyou for praying for this wonderful young woman!

Received: October 24, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 8 times.


Lord Jesus we need u this morning for my Husband kevin and me lord for a miracle this morning lord in our situation touch and change my husband a heart towards u lord and me we need u lord Father to bless us with yr grace and mercy for my Husband and our marriage Father and bless us with or love and blessings and miracle this morning Father thank u for u are the way maker miracle worker and promise keeper and love my Husband kevin and … See more

Received: October 24, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 8 times.


Praying for my Husband heart to be healed and and opened back up to me today and that all doors to be closed that is not of God in my Husband and our marriage and that my Husband will reach out to God and me today and my husband heart will be changed help my husband lord see u and feel yr presence in his heart and mind today lord for I know our story and marriage is not over lord we need u lord Jesus bless my husband and me right no… See more

Received: October 24, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 8 times.


Father I pray today will be a blessed day total new beginning for Meranda and JJ they will be able to renew there vows to each other and there new life and beginning with blessing them with a child that there heart has always desired lord and help there family grow together in there love for each other in u lord thank u lord Jesus for yr blessings and miracle for Meranda and JJ today lord and help Meranda lord to love her Husband JJ the… See more

Received: October 24, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 9 times.


Elaine - supernatural healing. Bedridden for months with cysts and left leg can’t hold weight. Chris - rare bone disease: pagets disease/bone fibrosis dysplasia.

Received: October 24, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 10 times.


Please God use the Holy Spirit to reach my beautiful wife today and change her feelings towards me that she describes as apathy and stop the divorce today. Please God show us how to make our marriage something that could only be your idea. Please let us love each other as much as you love us. Please Jesus work a miracle in our marriage to give our children the greatest gift that we can give a example of a loving wife and husband and family together in Jesus Name Amen

Received: October 24, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 7 times.


Can we pray for Khadijah that God will break and disannul all ungodly soul ties, ungodly strongholds, and ungodly relationships immediately in Jesus name.

Received: October 24, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 6 times.



Received: October 24, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 6 times.


Please pray against demonic forces fighting me in my life. Pray that God would give me peace and help me obey Him. Finally pray God would give me the courage, discipline and strength needed to grow.

Received: October 23, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 12 times.


Please pray for healing over my son Edward. He has stomach issues. Also for him to get a good job he’s applied for and in town. Thank you

Received: October 23, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 18 times.


Please pray for healing and peace of mind over 11year old Richie he has inoperable brain cancer. Please also pray for his mom.

Received: October 23, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 13 times.


I wish I had somebody to talk to at this time of night don't have any close friends so I'm just sitting here trying not to get emotional asking Jesus to help me

Received: October 23, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 9 times.


Please pray for me against soul ties and co-dependency. Thank you

Received: October 23, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 9 times.


salvation for good friend (Khalil) who is Muslim. pray that he has dreams and visions, that the bonds fear of questioning what Islam is will be broken and his desire to seek truth will, even if it means leaving Islam, will become something he can't push away or bury.

Received: October 23, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 10 times.


I was divorced about a week ago. I keep learning of my errors, and I'm grateful, to repent and move on. I'm hopeful for reconciliation; even dry bones can breathe again. With God, through Christ nothing is impossible to those who believe. Please pray, however, that I do not foolishly go off and do my own thing. That each day I surrender the throne of my life to Christ, and submit to the Holy Spirit, and do whatever He asks. Seeking first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness. May it be so also for those like me. Amen.

Received: October 23, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 49 times.


Please pray God will heal my hemmoroids and calm my colon. Thank you in Jesus most holy and mighty name and with the power of the Holy Spirit amen and amen.

Received: October 23, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 41 times.


I'm struggling with insecurity, anxiety, and attitude/anger management... I am newly married and am already a little afraid that my irritability will damage our marriage if it continues. I always feel angry when I least expect to and I'm struggling to control it, causing me to complain and freak out. I know I need to let go of things in my heart and repent... I need the Lord to help me out of this rut. I want change to be real and lasting.

Received: October 23, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 32 times.


I'm trying to sell apartment. Please pray that buyers appear and i sell it at good price. Thank you

Received: October 23, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 34 times.


Good Morning

Am here to ask for prayer over my kids father (tino), he struggling with depression and anxiety.

He also has PTSD, and currently trying overcome alcoholism. Everyday I see him struggle with this temptation. He wants to commit to christ, but everyday is struggle for him.

I also struggle with the temptation of alcohol, I also want commit myself fully to christ. I pray everyday for assistant.

We currently are struggling financially.

Received: October 23, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 28 times.


Lord bring our dry bones to life again."Then he said to me, “Prophesy to these bones and say to them, ‘Dry bones, hear the word of the Lord" Ezekiel 37:4 thank you that you go before us and stsnd with us. Thank you for putting your spirit in us. Make your spirit alive, obvious, and active in us.

Received: October 23, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 29 times.


Please pray that I learn and am shown how to accept Jesus Is my Lord and savior. In Jesus Name Amen

Received: October 23, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 21 times.


My son is in a Rehabilitation facility in Florida for drug and alcohol abuse. He went there on August 5th and was making good progress but has had a major setback and now is wanting to leave recovery instead of continuing. Please pray that he stays because he still has so far to go and since he is an adult we can't make him stay and get the help he needs unless he chooses to do so. His future depends on him continuing treatment end we desperately need all the prayers that we can get right now.

Received: October 23, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 14 times.


Today is moving day for us.. Please pray for the movers to be healthy and strong and that the move would go well. Thanks

Received: October 23, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 18 times.


God please let my wife know today how much I love her and forgive her for whatever has been done. Also please let her forgive me .Please show her that divorce is not easy and that marriage is not easy. Please reach her today and work a miracle and stop the divorce today or whenever you’re will is and let us love each other like you love us. Please help us both have the strength to listen to you and do the hard work to keep your covenant of marriage together in a way that honors you. Please watch over our children. In Jesus Name Amen!

Received: October 23, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 25 times.


My 13 year old son is struggling with online school and fear of Covid. Please pray for him to find comfort, to find happiness, to help build his faith, in Jesus holy name

Received: October 23, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 18 times.


Please pray for my parents John and Michele that they could have a true relationship with Jesus. My dad is an atheist and my mom is a believer who has fallen away from the truth and very self destructive.

Received: October 23, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 19 times.


Because of issues with the lady downstairs my daughter went to court and ended up getting evicted out of her apartment and the lady downstairs also got evicted my daughter has no place to go and she doesn't get social security till the 1st please be praying for her she has children

Received: October 23, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 15 times.


pls pls pray that my husband vinod gets plenty of business work to do. at present he is out of work. also pls pray that our land matter gets sorted.thankyou

Received: October 23, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 20 times.


Please pray God would help me sleep. I havent been able to sleep through the night. The insomnia is leading to anxiety, irritability and exhaustion during the day. Thank you!

Received: October 23, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 13 times.


Please Pray the Lord will touch my family heart we all know the Lord but do not serve him. I pray for God's Mercy,Grace ,Peace, Love and guidance. Not only for our family but for each and every member or your family's. Help us remember he created us and we need to go back to him for fixing. He is able to handle what we cant.

Received: October 23, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 10 times.


pray for my prayers an agree in the name of Jesus christ

Received: October 23, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 13 times.


Pray my mother's blood sugar level is normal and for her to be healed of type 2 diabetes. Also, pray she has no side effects from medication, has no problems with her back, handles stress well and has normal blood pressure.

Received: October 22, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 13 times.


Jeff is having open heart surgery now in CO.He flew there today for work & had a heart attac & he is a Christian..His wife & 2 adult children will fly there tomorrow from AZ.They need to find a house/pet sitter.

Received: October 22, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 13 times.


My dad is 90 yrs old. Tomorrow he's having oral surgery. He's had issues w/ high blood pressure & bleeding too much. I'm hoping he is able to sleep well tonight & it goes well.

Received: October 22, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 19 times.


I am at the end stage of cancer, and desperately waiting upon a miracle healing from God. Please pray for me as I am in pain and need God to intervene and save me from death. Thank you for all who are praying for me.

Received: October 22, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 13 times.


I am in my 40's and attending college to finish a dream I started many years ago. The thing is, I have chronic migraines, that are debilitating. My husband has horrible kidney stones and has had one surgery with at least two more to go. I feel I am at the end of my rope, but can't drop out or take a break until after this semester. I need peace, comfort, relief, and focus.

Thank you.

Received: October 22, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 14 times.


Please pray for my son Dan who’s 46th birthday is today. He is suffering deep loneliness & frustration in relationships with friends & family today. In Jesus name.

Received: October 22, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 10 times.


Please pray even now for the protection of America from those who are seeking to destroy us. Please pray God will speak to America and help us look to Him for our freedom and protection from all evil and deceitful plans. It is in Jesus holy and mighty name and thru the power of the Holy Spirit amen and amen.

Received: October 22, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 14 times.


Please pray for Anna, she has been through so much. She has been through too much. Thanks.

Received: October 22, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 13 times.


Friday morning they're doing an MRI of my jaw to see if I have cancer plus the doctor is also sending me to a kidney doctor after a blood test indicated kidney failure [eGFR of 41.4, and it's supposed to be between 60-200]. I'm 65, a Christian, but I'm still scared. Prayers appreciated.

Received: October 22, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 34 times.


As I write, my husband is in Southern Utah trying to admit our 18 year old son into an outdoor psych and substance abuse rehab. He is adamantly refusing and we have no other hope. Please pray for Jack, now.

Received: October 22, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 20 times.


Hi please pray for our marriage that God will prevent divorce. Please pray that we will start praying together going to church together and consoling together and any other ideas that God shows us. Please pray that a miracle happens soon before we spend more money on lawyers. Please pray that God helps us with forgiveness and show how we can love each other again. In Jesus Name Amen

Received: October 22, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 18 times.


I feel like my fiance is going after and or already has other men

Received: October 22, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 20 times.


Thank all of your for prayers for my healing from car accident on Monday and that all legalities will get worked out as it was the other driver's fault. Also asking prayer for the the harassment injunction on the drug neighbor that I filed after his shenanigans that have gone on for years and years. He has now contested that and now have to deal with this in court on Wednesday. I pray that God will just put an end to all of this with this neighbor and that the harassment injunction will stay in effect because he will not stop unless the magistrate orders that it stay in effect. Thank you all for your prayers and God will prevail and as always gets the glory!

Received: October 22, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 19 times.


Pray that the Lord may cover our house & soften the hearts of my family towards Him 🙂

Received: October 22, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 21 times.


Prayers for my 6 year old grandson who has something wrong with 1 of his kidneys.

Received: October 22, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 18 times.


I need to find an apartment. Please pray for me.

Thank you

Received: October 22, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 17 times.


Urgent prayer

Please pray for a hedge of protection and covering for me from enemies ar work and around me.Please pray that the Almighty will deliver and help me.There are people at work like Jessica who wants to destroy me and tries to manipulate me.She spread gossips and slander against me and turn people against me.Please pray that Almighty will remove and rebuke Jessica,Richie ,Antonio and Miguel who come against me and deliver me from these enemies.And pray the Almighty will open doors for a new job for me soon.And pray that in tbe new job my god will bring people who will work with and not against me.Thank you.

Received: October 22, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 21 times.


I need prayer for my grandma she has kidney stones it’s extremely painful for her her name is Hattie

Received: October 22, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 20 times.


I need a miracle please pray for me

Received: October 22, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 24 times.


I'm hurting so much emotional please I need your prayers to get through this heartache

Received: October 21, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 25 times.


Please pray that God hear and answer my prayers

Received: October 21, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 21 times.


My husband, Ryan, and I have been trying for a baby for 8 years now!!! I have Stage IV Endometriosis, as well as fibroids, adenomyosis and a minor case of PCOS. My husband has a tiny issue with his morphology. My doctor has literally prescribed pregnancy, because having a baby is the only thing known to man that heals Endometriosis. We've been trying for 8 years with no success, and now we're trying to go the IVF (In-Vitro Fertilization) route. However, we found out after seeking the IVF treatment, that we absolutely cannot afford any of it. We even set up a GoFundMe to try and raise money for it, but hardly anyone donated. Now we are in tears every single day together, and we're begging The Lord to please give us a miracle!! Thank you EVERYONE who prays for this with us.

Received: October 21, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 17 times.


i am asking for our home we have some interference from our neighbors that makes our ears ring constantly.we do not know what to do. please help prayer for god to help. thank you

Received: October 21, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 15 times.


Please pray against Antichrist spirit. Thank you

Received: October 21, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 19 times.


PLEASE pray for my wife Michele. Her issues with her spine in her lower back now makes it almost impossible for her to walk. She is our source of income since I lost my job 2 years ago. She is an extremely hard working and caring person and in need of a miracle.

Received: October 21, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 18 times.


Dear Lord, please help me reconcile with my kids. Social media has gotten me in trouble with them as well as the effects of my bipolar disorder.

Give me the wisdom to know how to repair my relationship with them and keep it on smooth ground in the future.

Whether we go to a counselor and talk things out or can just work through things together, please give us guidance on what to do to bring our family back together. In Jesus name, hear our prayer.

Received: October 21, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 16 times.


Father, our Heavenly and healing father, please embrace my friend's brother-in-law who has stage 4 cancer! Please help relieve his pain and we ask that your will be done.

Received: October 21, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 12 times.


Lord thank you for helping to heal our daughter who has sciatica and major anxiety. You have her on her way to health again and we are so thankful! In Jesus name, amen!

Received: October 21, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 13 times.


Hi there,

It turns out there was an accident with a school bus and a dump truck I believe likely in New York. As far as I know, thankfully no kids on there have died but are hurt. Is anyone willing to pray that not only they recover but gets saved through Christ including those around them please? Thank you.

Received: October 21, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 19 times.


Please pray for my son Juan for obedience, Good choices ,Wisdom from God pray for him and Alyssa so they can restore there relationship and get marry pray so there relationship get stronger so they can become a rope of 3God &them that no one can brake also pray for his relationship with his in-laws thank you for u Prayers

Received: October 21, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 22 times.


Have job interview on Fri, Please pray God puts me on the path he wants me on

Received: October 21, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 16 times.


Please pray Dawn 's migraine will go away tonight as she has to teach virtually. Looking at the computer is so hard on her eyes and head. Thank you. I ask these things in Jesus name and thru the power of the Holy Spirit amen and amen.

Received: October 21, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 17 times.


Please pray for calm and peace in our home this week. For financial blessings and joy to be abundant. That there will be no fighting or hurt or fear this week.

Received: October 21, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 23 times.


please pray for my anxiety insomnia ringing in my right ear

Received: October 21, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 16 times.


Please pray for my ex-spouse who left our marriage over a troubled adult child. This has been going on for two decades now. The child was always placed over God (first) and me (second) through constant enabling versus showing some really hard tough love. I wanted us to seek professional Christian marital counseling years ago, but the ex- refused any help. Even 2 Thessalonians 3:10 says “those unwilling to work shall not eat”. I pray the ex- sees where the true problem lies.

Received: October 21, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 16 times.


Please pray, I am going to the Dr this afternoon, pray for a good visit

Received: October 21, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 15 times.


We just moved here from Missouri one month ago. It is myself, my husband and our six-year-old little boy. Please pray for our marriage and for my husband‘s job. Also pray for our living situation. It all could definitely be worse and I understand that but we are in need of prayer right where we’re at. Things are not what we were told they would be & the stress is unreal. It is extremely hard on me because I have a daughter in North Carolina that is married to a marine and a two month old granddaughter that I have yet to meet, my next to oldest daughter is a high school senior in Missouri, my bonus daughter lives in Mississippi with her mother and our youngest daughter is buried in Missouri so it really rips at my heart that I can’t visit her resting place whenever I want to. Yes I understand she is with me wherever I go. Also I have been having some stomach issues, probably due to stress but if you could include that I would appreciate it. Thank you so much! I hope everyone that reads this is blessed.

Received: October 21, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 19 times.


I have a friend and co-worker on week three in ICU and a vent due to COVID. She was off the vent for three days last week and then took a turn for the worse on Sunday and had to go back on the vent. Family was given dire news yesterday and we are asking God for a miracle for Connie. I know my God will prevail! Please Pray for Connie.

Received: October 21, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 17 times.


My 10 year old niece, Miriam, is in the hospital with Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome, a consequence of Covid-19. All her organs are under attack. We are praying for healing and wisdom for the doctors caring for her.

Received: October 21, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 13 times.


Please pray for my family for our health and future. For John, Luke, and for those who do not know Jesus.

Received: October 21, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 14 times.


Please pray for my country of birth - Nigeria. We need God's mighty intervention in our affairs all round, we need His deliverance from extremely wicked leaders that have plagued our country for years and thrown the nation into a derelict, almost hopeless situation. We need the Prince of Peace to quell the current unrests taking place and the great Comforter to comfort the families of all those young people who have been killed during the protests against injustice. It has gotten to head, we need God's help for Nigeria!!!

Received: October 21, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 16 times.

I'm losing hope, please help me to pray

Please pray for my (sarah) relationship with my fiance Robert. We have been through challenges and struggles and heartache. God brought us this far and through it. His ex has been creating problems and trying to temp him away from me, please pray God breaks down their communication and that every tie between them is broken. Please pray that every obstacle between us is removed and that God will draw him closer to Himself, to me and our daughter. I pray in Jesus name that God will not allow him to abandon me and our daughter again but give him a new heart to love us more each day and miss us when we are apart. Please pray that we can finally have some peace with no one coming between us anymore and that God will move his heart to set a day we can finally marry. In Jesus name I pray, Amen

Received: October 20, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 17 times.


Please pray for my husband, Tom. We are not sure what is wrong physically but he has very little energy, extremely fatigued and easily irritated. Not himself. He has a doctor appointment scheduled for October 27th. Praying that the Lord guides the doctor and reveals what is wrong. Please, Lord, heal and restore my husband!!! Thank you, Lord!!!

Received: October 20, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 9 times.


This prayer request is for my stepmother, Laveta, who is 80 years old. She is in extreme pain and can hardly walk or sleep. She has several issues with her spine and has a surgery scheduled for December 3rd to try and correct one of the issues. Praying for the Lord to relief her pain and give her rest. For the Lord to heal her either miraculously or through the surgery. Thank you, Lord!!!

Received: October 20, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 8 times.


Asking for prayer for my father, Lee, who is 82 years old. He is scheduled for back surgery to repair a bulging disk. Surgery is Friday, October 23rd. Praying that God guides the surgeon’s hands for a successful surgery. Also for relief from the pain and quick healing. Thank you, Lord!!!

Received: October 20, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 11 times.


Please pray for my husband Darryl to receive baptism of Holy Spirit; he's a believer, but in total denial that we're in end times. He wasn't raised a Christian but rec'd Christ after we met & was baptized in water. I need him to be my spiritual leader; been together 17 yrs, both of our 3rd marriage, we were both cheated on by the previous 2. He's a great husband & Dad. I pray in Holy Spirit; he needs that, he's had much heartache in his life; he needs healing & revelation.

Received: October 20, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 9 times.


Please pray for Preston to support his family & pay the house payment. We covered it all last year & now June - October, we can't do anymore, we might lose the house. He’s dad to our 4 grand babies, pray his heart of stone is replaced w/a heart of flesh & he take’s responsibility. He needs salvation

Received: October 20, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 24 times.


Please pray 4 Rush Limbaugh's healing, he's been battling cancer 4 quite a while, but announced today it's stage 4 lung cancer & he didn't think he'd be here this long.

Received: October 20, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 7 times.


Hi I'm coming to you von today asking for prayer over my relationship. My boyfriend that's suppose to be my future husband has been acting very different lately. His name is DeWayne and he's 43 years old he's a truck driver. He has been making promises that he hasn't kelp. He says he wants to marry me but lately he calls less frequently than he usually did before. I feel like he's not as serious as he was. I really love him but he's just been acting distance lately. I don't know if he's scared or what. But he says that I'm going to be his wife but he has been showing me different lately by doing disappearing acts. And not answering his phone. Please pray for our relationship because I know in my heart that he's the one. I need God to intervene on me relationship. And stop whatever the devil is trying do to destroy our relationship and remove all interference out of the way forever.

Received: October 20, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 23 times.


My son Jay is 51 and is someone who hikes and keeps active but had a

Major heart attack today. Please send prayers for him. Thank you so much. God bless you. God is good!!!!

Received: October 20, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 26 times.


Pray that God make haste to deliver me from evil and set me free to my dwelling place. Pray that I hear from the Holy Spirit for guidance on how to receive an abundance of financial blessings. Pray for me to keep praying, trust the Lord, and not to fear.

Received: October 20, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 8 times.


Please pray for the relationship between me and my daughter in law; it's borderline chilly at this time (we are just SO different!) and I believe it is affecting the relationship between my grandchildren and myself.

Received: October 20, 2020

This prayer has been answered!


I just wanted to come back and thank everyone who prayed for our situation ...the prayers were ANSWERED not too long after I made the request, and we no longer are contending with that worrisome problem. May God bless all of you.

Received: October 20, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 28 times.


Please please please pray for me. I'm pregnant and got a deadly disease diagnosed.

Maybe god has word for me.

Received: October 20, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 19 times.


My car was totaled. Pray for the purchase of a new. I am very little income.

Received: October 20, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 13 times.


Please pray for my niece Courtney she has gotten engaged to a woman. She has a 3 year old daughter. Please pray that the Lord would speak to her heart and convict her of her sin and cause her to repent and be saved. Pray for the salvation of our entire family and the curse of sexual immorality would be removed in Jesus Name Amen

Received: October 20, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 15 times.


I ask for prayer for the lord to provide my mom and I a house or duplex. We been moving a lot for years and been homeless twice and we would like to settle in a place without having to worry about moving again.

Received: October 20, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 9 times.


Please pray for my niece. She needs deliverance from wrong thoughts, wrong ways of thinking and from demonic oppression and possession. She needs physical healing, she gets dehydrated and begins to act like this, it is caused by a blood disorder called Porphyria. Psychiatric symptoms are present, such as paranoid schizophrenia-like features.

Received: October 20, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 26 times.


Hi please pray for our family and our marriage. Please pray that God reaches us every day and gives us what we need for the day. Please pray that we can both understand each other and love each other the way that he does. Please pray that we will not divorce and God work’s a miracle For us And stops the divorce and everyone else in a similar situation. In Jesus Name Amen

Received: October 20, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 18 times.


Please pray that the insurance policies of my late dad and late mom be processed asap and I finally receive the proceeds sooner than soonest in Jesus mighty name Amen.

Received: October 20, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 18 times.


Please pray for much strength and healing to my windpipe, if you would.

Thankyou very much and God bless you.

Received: October 20, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 26 times.


Hi my wonderfull brothers and sisters at family Life radio!Please say a prayer for me i am saved yet homeless at 74 and now the Pandemic is taking the very little strength i had left!GOD richly bless you brother Danny 10/20/20 p.s the library is closed but when i can get to a computer and see people are praying for me it makes me want to cry

Received: October 20, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 20 times.


Guidance for a new job what to apply for & where to look

Received: October 20, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 22 times.


My son passed away 3 1/2 years ago and every year the holidays seem to be so depressing for us. There is just no joy without him present especially during the holiday meals. The three of us sit silently eating and I am certain we are all sharing the same emotions inside without Austins presence as he loved the holiday meals and opening Christmas presents. We have done our best to be strong but we are not strong. I know Austin would want us to be happy but we just don’t have the joy of the holidays even though we go through the motions. Even worse my daughter and I actually experience depression for even up to three months during the holidays. We just have this huge emptiness that can never be filled. I know there are so many ways we can honor our Austin by “doing good” for others but without joy it makes it hard. We know Jesus is the reason for the season and we are aware of all the holiday ideas others can suggest to honor Christ in remembrance of my son but we just feel empty and without joy and can’t seem to shake it.

Received: October 20, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 26 times.


I’ve been dealing with depression for about 4 years now, and this past few months it’s been getting worse doctors have put me on different medication but nothing is helping....I’ve grown apart from where I use to be happy, always going to church, and never giving up....I have a 2 year old ,and another little one on the way and with this pregnancy I’ve been having a lot of problems always in and out of hospitals and yesterday was the last i left the hospital after waiting 8 hours never was seen begging God to make it all go away. Kept asking god why I wasn’t getting better and told him I was scared...I also pray that God watches over my babies and provide for them because I can’t any more I lost everything with COVID-19...I don’t wanna give up but I feel so weak...I’m not asking for any pity just that y’all can pray for my little family....

Received: October 20, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 16 times.


Dear God help me to say the correct words to this employer. I was offered a position and now it has been taken way. Due to my background when am I gonna get that second chance at life. And not get judged for my background. When or how am I supposed to live life without ppl holding this over my shoulders. It's a great opportunity to help people and change lives help them thru life. I ask for the opportunity and the chance to work at this job. Please God give me the opportunity don't let ppl continue to hold this over me

Received: October 20, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 18 times.


Thank you KFLR prayer community for all your support and prayers to all.

My son and I need prayer for healing.

Prayer for over all good health and no

stress. Prayer for great health report.

Thank you Jehovah Rapha our healer.

In Jesus name Amen

Received: October 20, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 16 times.


Brittney is my son‘s wife’s best friend and Jake her husband Is Working in ministry These friends of the family have a precious this little girl named Peyton and she dealt with cancer a few years ago and she Beat it, we were so happy and then it came back and now it’s back really bad tumors on her brain etc. she was a poster kid at children’s hospital here in phx. Please she needs all the prayer she can get plus they’re not approving some surgery and meds that she needs and they don’t have the money, her life‘s at stake ! she even paints pictures for donations and they’re pretty good it would be wonderful if somebody with money would actually help them but if we can’t get money ; prayers can find away thank you so much

God bless you !

Received: October 20, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 23 times.

Debra Caswell

Please pray my son gets an answer today about a house he is trying to buy. Between realtors, loan officer and contractor it has been going on for months. He has been on a roller coaster. First it's a go then no. He is waiting on God to act on this last attempt for the seller to accept his last and final over. God let a miracle happen work in the minds and hearts of all involved. Thank you.

Received: October 20, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 27 times.


For salvations to be multiplied and God's kingdom to spread . Matthew 13:8 "Still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop--a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown." For people to have the baptism of the Holy Spirit and that unbelievablers would see the gifts of the Spirit in action and believe without a doubt.

Received: October 20, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 31 times.



Received: October 20, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 33 times.


Please pray for my wife Aysylu. She is 13 weeks pregnant and still very sick with nausea and weakness 24/7. Thank you and God Bless!

Received: October 20, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 18 times.


Please pray for my son Juan for obedience, Good choices ,Wisdom from God pray for him and Alyssa so they can restore there relationship and get marry pray so there relationship get stronger so they can become a rope of 3God &them that no one can brake also pray for his relationship with his in-laws thank you for u Prayers

Received: October 20, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 18 times.


Thank you for praying for my family and me. We all have unspoken prayer request. God knows our needs and I know He hears all prayers. So, please continue your prayers for us. We keep you and your families in our prayers, also. Thank you. I ask these things in Jesus holy and mighty name and thru the power of the Holy Spirit amen and amen.

Received: October 20, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 23 times.


Please pray for nurses, doctors, social workers and all hospitals workers. Their jobs are anything but easy prior to COVID and now they are being stretched and challenged like never before. Give hospital management and leadership a heart for their staff.

Wear a mask! Get your flu shot! Continue to social distance. God help us!!!!

Received: October 20, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 21 times.


Not sure where to start. It seems as though I've been in a 'Job' like season, but this season has lasted for years. I have been hard pressed on every side, and my circumstances have been pretty hard. So, I pray for peace, direction, and strength hoping this season will come to an end.

Received: October 20, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 21 times.


God, I offer my life to you use everything I have been through for your glory

Received: October 20, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 22 times.


I am in desperate need of prayer. I am a recovering alcoholic who has relapsed & I just can't seem to get back on track. Please pray that God will help me.

Received: October 20, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 26 times.


Please pray for my mother in the ICU.

Received: October 20, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 15 times.

Sony Motwani

Pls pls pray that my husband gets plenty and plenty of business work to do. Currently he is out of work. pls pray for him. thankyou

Received: October 20, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 16 times.


Lord please give me three resources I need to not cause my children homelessness. I got an eviction notice and have court tomorrow. Im so nervous God, please help us. Someway somehow. I trust you lord. For God is good everyday in everyday. In Jesus name Amen

Received: October 20, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 14 times.


Dear,Lord please heal my voice in Jesus' name i pray, Amen!

Received: October 20, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 14 times.


Please pray for mental health placement for Anthony. He is in prison and released very soon. He wrote his sister a disturbing letter and she is deeply jarred. There is not change from two years and be blames everyone for his choices. He has severe bipolar disorder, and his mother and older sister enables him to terrorize the neighborhood and environment. She wants him home; however, I sense deeply that it is dangerous. There needs to be an intervention supernaturally. In the name of Jesus may you pray for either a deep softening of heart, repentance, and/or residential treatment for Anthony. He is very violent and has a very envious spirit. When he sees light or someone in peace, he randomly attacks them physically and verbally and blames them for his choices. Please pray for a miracle. HE NEEDS JESUS. Lord, thy will be done..In Jesus name, Amen.

Received: October 19, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 15 times.


I was in car accident this morning. Guy went through red light and T-boned my vehicle. I was praying as I always do on my way to work in the morning when it happened. God gets all the glory. Praying all will be handled and that I will not be too sore from and that I am healed.

Received: October 19, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 17 times.


Please pray for my sister Susan. She was diagnosed today with macular degeneration. She has to get shots in both eyes every month. She would like healing in her eyes. Please for her for peace, healing and encouragement on days when she needs the comfort of the Lord the most.

Thank yu.

Received: October 19, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 11 times.


I am asking for prayers regarding the election but mainly on a personal level. I have my ballot and I am wanting to vote but I am fearful and worried about doing so. I am fearful because of who I want to vote for. I know that no one is perfect and I shouldn't let my feelings get the best of me but I am just scared of making the wrong decision in the eyes of God. But I question myself and wonder if I should listen to the fear because I know that fear doesn't come from God. Basically, please pray that I am able to have peace about voting or not. Thank you all who pray for me.

Received: October 19, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 12 times.


Please pray for my friend, Kehinde , who is Muslim, for him to be saved and accept Jesus as his Lord and personal Savior. I had a dream seeing him pray the Christian way. Amen

Received: October 19, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 18 times.


Cody from Alken Park, MI was injured over a year ago & remains in ICU having trauma regulating his body & TBI. Please pray for a pathway of healing & recovery he is young. In his 20’s working hard for his Dad Fell asleep at the wheel n hit a tree. Please send fervent prayers To relieve this family’s torment in Jesus Name. Amen

Received: October 19, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 12 times.


I need your prayers my husband and I are ending are marriage so I need to look for a place to live coming January when are leàse ends. Please help me find a place. I like to live in Buckeye,Az.

Received: October 19, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 22 times.


First God did answer my families prayer and mine too, my daughter did receive a kidney transplant in July and is doing well! I just can’t find the original prayer to share the joy of God and his blessings. -- My prayer today is finances, my rent is not paid, I’m on disability. It’s not paid because of my mistakes and mismanagement. I need a blessing quickly.

Received: October 19, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 22 times.

Anonymous in GA

Appealing to animal lovers to pray for us regarding situation with stray cats: We live on a road where for years people have often discarded their unwanted pets. These needy creatures often find their way to our house, undernourished and scared, feeding from the food dishes of our pets. Now in addition to our own cats, we have seven more (mother cat, her 5 kittens, and the older kitten). Now that the babies are close to being weaned, we called to make an appointment for taking them in for placement in no-kill shelter only to find out that the vet's office nor the local shelter will take them--the animal shelter currently is closed to taking in animals because adoptions are down due to COVID pandemic. We are asking for God's guidance and assistance in finding homes for these babies (and we do not have the gift of persuasion!) We also are asking that God would soften hearts of pet owners to be responsible enough to feed and care for their animals rather than discarding them. We can't stand to see animals starving and neglected, are willing to stand in the gap for temporary care of them, but we also are in over our heads in this situation with a total of 13 cats! Also, don't want to send them to the pound, where they most likely will be killed.

Received: October 19, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 21 times.


Please pray God is working and restoring and renewing my Husband kevin and our marriage and with God in our lives our marriage will be stronger then ever and that God will help me always to love my husband the way God does and God our Father will wash away my Husbands stubbornness and pride thank u Jesus for u are removing all things and people from my Husband and our marriage and family that is not of u Father God and yr sending angels to speak thru the people to my Husband kevin right now Father I pray in Jesus mighty powerful name Amen Amen hallelujah thank u Jesus

Received: October 19, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 18 times.


please please pray for ginger cat R. to get adopted and get out of animal shelter very soon! Thanks

Received: October 19, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 19 times.


Needing prayers for my Husband kevin and our marriage that God is working it out and God will save my husband from his confusion of his heart and mind because I believe God will cancel and destroy anything of not him in my husband kevin and our marriage and marriage will not be destroyed by the enemy in Jesus name The papers and court Date for Thursday 10-22-20 will not happen and be canceled in the mighty name of Jesus Christ almighty name Amen Amen Amen thank u Jesus

Received: October 19, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 21 times.


Please pray for The Golden Years Project's 501c3 exemption status to be approved God speed as there are many elderly persons this organization will help prevent their homelessness as the Silver Tsunami hits us. Our homeless infrastructure is at capacity with waiting lists for HUD Vouchers and entrance into affordable senior communities averaged at 5 years across the nation. We can't stop this crisis but we can help and we need our 501c3 to gain our support from our pending corporate sponsors and our media interviews.

Received: October 19, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 16 times.


Thank You Heavenly Father! His mercy endures forever! Thank you for the miracle answer to prayer! Thank you mighty men and women of God that prayed for my daughter in law's health issues. She's not saved and was ridiculing me when I gently told her others were praying for her. She said God doesnt answer, I said ya it would take a miracle, but he gives comfort and strength and wisdom through the prayers, secretly I wanted God to do a miracle but said Thy will not mine. Thank you for praying and taking the time . God bless you! Her test came back negative and miracously shes out of pain and is doing really good. Praise Jesus!

Received: October 19, 2020

I prayed for this

Prayed for 18 times.

Lee Cowles

I am having issues with my colon and hemmoroids. Please pray for God to heal them and give me relief. I ask these things in Jesus holy and mighty name and thru the power of the Holy Spirit amen and amen.

Received: October 19, 2020