
Rising Above Failure

How Resurrection Day Inspires a Journey of Faith

In a conversation with Family Life Radio, Gareth Gilkeson and Chris Llewellyn from the Northern Irish band Rend Collective talked about how living with the perspective that if Jesus can rise from the dead, then we, too, can face each new day with renewed strength and hope, the anthem in their song, “Resurrection Day.”

“Resurrection Day” challenges us to practice resurrection every day. Chris explains, “Every time you wake up, essentially you need to shake off something from the previous day.”

Each morning offers us a fresh start, a chance to leave behind the struggles that weigh us down and step into the fullness and joy that awaits us in God’s presence.

Jesus died and rose again so that we could overcome this life by thriving in the hope and renewal that each new day brings in Him.

Chris and his bandmates don’t shy away from admitting their own vulnerabilities. “Our lives are filled with failures and mistakes because we’re human beings,” Chris reflects. His honesty is refreshing and relatable. Their music, especially “Resurrection Day,” is born from their personal journeys of stumbling, falling, and rising again.

Their music asks all of us to see our moments of darkness as opportunities to witness the breaking of dawn. “So people we know when there’s a dark circumstance, that’s what we should be bringing into that,” Chris remind us, highlighting the role of Christ’s hope in transforming our trials.

Practical Steps to Living Out Resurrection Faith

So, how do we make this message a tangible part of our lives? First, by starting each day with a focus on resurrection. It’s a decision to rise above the past and to shake off the dust of yesterday’s failures.

“If Jesus rose from the dead, I can get out of bed,” as the band humorously yet poignantly puts it. This attitude sets the tone for a day lived in victory, no matter what challenges may come.

Rend Collective

Practicing resurrection can also be as simple as looking for ways to bring life and hope into our surroundings, whether it’s through kindness to a stranger or finding beauty in the mundane. It’s about embodying the spirit of resurrection, demonstrating through our actions that hope is alive and well within us.

Our faith journey is punctuated not by how often we fall, but by how we rise.

By embracing the message of resurrection every day, we open ourselves to the infinite possibilities that faith in Christ brings.

As you step into each new day, remember the power of resurrection that lies within you. Let it be the force that propels you forward, the light that guides you through darkness, and the hope that sings over every moment of despair. In the spirit of Rend Collective, let’s rise, shake off the dust, and walk in the fullness of life that God has prepared for us.

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